
Wednesday, September 13, 2006


These are some of those simple biscuits/cookies which me & my wife had tried during festive seasons. The recipes came from a local cook book. Why not give it a try!

Biskut Emping Belinjau
3 cawan tepung gandum
1 cawan tepung jagung
360 gm mentega
250 gm gula
$1 emping belinjau digoreng (tumbuk)
2 kuning telur

Mentega, gula, kuning telur dikacau.
Campurkan emping, tepung jagung dan tepung gandum.
Uli dan terap mengikut bentuk kegemaran masing2.
Bakar selama kira-kira 25-30 minit atau hingga kekuningan.

200 gm Top flour
70 gm tepung kastad
100 gm Nestum
75 gm gula halus
180 gm mentega
1 biji telur
½ sudu teh baking powder
60 gm cokelat rice
250 gm cokelat coating/mohrenglanz (eg.brand Tulips)-dicairkan
sedikit hundreds & thousands (berwarna-warni)

Campurkan Top flour, tpg kastad, nestum, baking powder dan cokelat rice lalu diketepikan. Pukul mentega dgn gula hingga kembang sedikit , dan masukkan telur lalu pukul lagi hingga rata. Selanjutnya, tuangkan campuran tepung tadi,
gaul rata hingga sebati. Kemudian canai dan terap dengan acuan biskut hati atau mengikut citarasa anda. Bakar selama kira-kira 20 - 25 minit. Sementara menunggu biskut sejuk, cairkan cokelat dulu dgn kaedah double-boiling. Celupkan separuh biskut tadi dgn cokelat cair dan taburkan hundreds & thousands ke atasnya.

100 gm mentega
100 gm Top flour
50 gm gula kaster
40 gm Quaker Oats (dikisar)
20 gm tepung beras
¼ sudu teh garam
¼ sudu teh emplex
½ sudu teh serbuk vanilla
secukup cokelat putih (dicairkan)
secukup pistachio (dibakar, dicincang kasar2)

Mentega, garam, emplex, vanilla dan gula dikacau rata. Masukkan bahan2 yg lain dan uli sehingga rata. Canai dan terap dgn acuan airmata, bakar selama 15 minit dgn kepanasan 160 darjah. Angkat dan sejukkan. Sapukan cokelat putih dan taburkan pistachio. Biarkan sebentar sebelum disimpan.


Anonymous said...

Nampak cantik biskut raya ni. Nanti nak tengok mana yang cukup bahan, bolehlah try kot...Thanks for sharing...

BR said...

You're most welcome mamafami. Yg lebih utama ialah resipi2 nie senang nak buat. Cubalah...

Kancilzilla said...

The biscuits look great. I'm interested in trying the 'Pistachio delicacy'. Thanks for sharing these recipes. Just wondering about the 'Top flour' that's mentioned in your recipes. Is that a brand name for a self raising flour or does 'Top flour' refer to the extra-fine quality flour that's used for baking very fine cakes; such as chiffon cakes, swiss rolls and butter cookies

BR said...

Hi kancilzilla. You're right. Top flour is an extra fine flour which I normally used when I bake cookies/biscuits. It gives a light and 'crunchy/crispy' texture to biscuits/cookies, hence a better quality end-product. For cakes, i always use Hong Kong flour, whereas for chiffons I use softasilk or super-fine flours. Hope I've cleared your doubts. Btw, if really those flours are not available, just use plain flout and sift 3 times to give more air to it.

Anonymous said...

What is emplex?

BR said...

Emplex is a powdery substance used to make your cookies more crispy/cruchy.

Anonymous said...

Yang dalam resepi biskut gajus kalau tak letak crisco boleh tak?

BR said...

kalau anda x gunakan crisco (sejenis shortening), anda mungkin boleh tukarkan kpd mentega. Kalau tk, maybe biskut anda akan kering sket ya.

Blaine F said...

Grreat reading