So, last Saturday night, after getting some advice from.... me lah, on some details of the cake preparations, she finally baked the cake with the least help from me. I wanted to help on the deco (a simple one would do....... psssttt, actually I wanted to try my skills on other types of deco & I guess what better timing than to use her cake as 'guinea pig' heheh). But alas, when I woke up from my pre-night sleep at abt 11pm, I saw her at the kitchen with the cake already covered with chocolate coating. Hmmm......better luck next time!
On that Sunday, all of us managed to have a go at the cake and..............wallaaaa, I suppose I could call it heavenly... at least to our taste. The texture was soft, moist dan definely chocolatey. You've got to try and feel/taste it yourself. The recipe is simple and easy to follow. I only adjust a little here and there. For those chocolate cake lovers, here's a recipe you should not pass. Give it a try!
The ultimate chocolate cake – rich, dark, slightly squidgy in the middle and bathed in glossy melted chocolate
COOKING TIME - abt 1 hour
250 g (8 oz) plain chocolate, broken up (I used TULIP brand)
2 tablespoons milk
175 g (6 oz) unsalted butter, very soft (I used salted butter)
200 g (7 oz) light muscovado sugar (TAIKOO sugar)
175 g (6 oz) ground almonds (I used hazelnuts)
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
40 g (1½ oz) plain flour
5 eggs, separated
Chocolate Coating
15 g ( 1½ oz) caster sugar
25 g (1 oz) unsalted butter (I used salted butter)
150 g (5 oz) plain chocolate, broken up (I used TULIP brand)
1) Grease and line the base and sides of a 20 cm (8 inch) round cake tin. Melt the chocolate and milk together in a large heatproof bowl. Remove from heat.
2) Add the butter, sugar, hazelnuts, cocoa flour and egg yolks and beat until smooth. In a separate, thoroughly clean bowl whisk the egg whites until peaking. Use a large metal spoon to fold a quarter of the whites into the mixture to lighten it, then fold in the remainder.
3) Turn the mixture into the tin and level the surface. Bake in a preheated oven, 180°C (350°F), Gas Mark 4, for 55-60 minutes or u

4) Make the chocolate coating. Heat the sugar, butter and 3 tablespoons: water in a small saucepan until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved. Remove from the heat, add the chocolate and leave until melted. Pour over the cake and, store in a cool place.
Tip : Avoid overcooking this cake or it will start to dry out. It is better slightly undercooked if you are not certain.
What Syaz Did:
a) She poured the melted chocolate/milk into the bowl containing butter, sugar, hazelnuts, cocoa flour and egg yolks and then beat until smooth.
b) When the egg whites have already peaked, she poured 1/4 of the egg whites to the chocolate mixture and mixed. Then she poured the rest of them & mixed thoroughly.
OK, di sini saya sertakan juga resipi kek ni yg saya dah terjemahkan kpd bahasa Melayu/Malaysia. Harap2 anda faham yer.
250 g (8 oz) cokelat masakan ( patah2kan )
2 sudu bear susu segar
175 g (6 oz) mentega, yg telah dilembutkan (suhu bilik)
200 g (7 oz) gula muscovado/ gula TAIKOO atau gula perang (brown sugar)
175 g (6 oz) kacang hazel (dikisar/tumbuk)
2 sudu besar serbuk koko
40 g (1½ oz) tepung gandum
5 biji telur, (putih diasaingkan dari kuningnya)
Chocolate Coating
15 g ( 1½ oz) gula kaster/ halus
25 g (1 oz) mentega
150 g (5 oz) cokelat masakan
1) Alaskan loyang bulat berukuran 20 cm (8”) dgn kertas tracing pada dasar dan kelililngnya lalu digriskan.
2) Cairkan cokelat masakan dan susu di dalam periuk/bekas kecil dgn kaedah “double-boil”. Ketepikan.
3) Sementara itu, satukan mentega, gula, kacang hazel, serbuk koko, tepung dan kuning telur di dalam sebuah mangkuk besin. Masukkan pula cokelat yg dah cair tadi lalu pukul sehingga licin dan sebati. Ketepikan.
4) Ambil satu lagi mangkuk besar yg bersih lalu pukul putih telur sehingga gebu dan pekat. Ambil suku bahagian drpd putih telur ini dan bubuh ke dalam adunan cokelat tadi dan gaul/kacau rata dgn senduk. Kemudian, masukkan kesemua lebihan putih telur tadi dan gaul lagi sehingga rata.
5) Tuang adunan ke dalam loyang dan ratakan permukaannya. Bakar di dalam oven yg telah dipanaskan dulu dgn suhu 180°C selama kira-kira 1 jam atau kek masak. Keluarkan dari oven dan biarkan kek sejuk di dalam loyang sebelum dialihkan ke atas pinggan hidang.
6) Buatlah chocolate coating. Panaskan gula, mentega dan 3 sudu besar air di dalam periuk kecil sehingga mentega cair dan gulanya larut (kaedah "double-boiling"). Angkat dari api, masukkan cokelat masakan dan biarkan sehingga cokelat cair lalu dikacau rata. Tuang ke atas kek dan simpan di tempat yg dingin.
Tip : Jgn terlebih bakar kek ini kerana ia akan menjadi kering. Lebih baik masa membakarnya kurang sedikit kalau anda kurang pasti.
Sodapnyooo... I love choc!!~
Mmg sodap eh! Ambo dah cuba! Insya'allah tak mengecewakan.
Zan...when you melt the milk and choc together in a bowl..did u use the double boiling method?
And 4 the choc coating too,did u use that method 2?
BR, muscovado sugar boleh ganti dengan brown sugar yang lain tak?
hmmmm....nampak sedap tapi ada sket confuse dengan cara nak buat dia. kat blog tu tulis kurang jelas....
Muscuvado sugar tu apa ek....
double-boil tu sbnrnye nk bat cemane?huhuu ble mintk tnjuk ajar x? T-T
Yes, S....
Dua2 saya gunakan kaedah "double boiling" Cubalah buat, sedap tau!
BR > Lin
Boleh, just use any soft brown sugar.
BR > Shasha
Saya dah alih bahasa resipi ke dalam bhs Melayu. Cuba rujuk semula. Anda boleh tukarkan Muscuvado sugar kpd gula perang (brown sugar).
BR > ellisa
Double boiling tu actually kaedah menggunakan suhu panas dari air yg mendidih utk mencairkan cokelat.
Anda ambil satu periuk sederhana dan bubuh air dan masak sehingga mendidih. Ambil satu lagi periuk (yg kecil sedikit dan mempunyai tangkai/handle) dan bubuh cokelat dan susu). Taruk periuk ini ke atas air yg mendidih tadi dan gunakan sudu besar utk kacau2 cokelat tu sehingga cair. Pastikan sedikit air pun tak masuk ke dalam cokelat ni. Kemudian angkat periuk dan matikan api. Harap faham yer!
oooo faham sangat dah..cenggitu upenye hehe mekaseh..
ok. thanks BR!
Salam Bro,
saya berhajat nak tempah cupcakes or sebiji kek..very rich choc cake mcm bro buat tu lah.. mana2 yg bro sudi nak terima tempahanlah.. utk bfren saya di singapore. blh bro tolong tak? fyi, saya di KL. kalau blh, bro email pada saya?
tq bro..
WS. Sorry, pls refer to my email to you ya.
saya da cuba..tetapi bantut di tgh. ape silap saya???
Terdpt pelbagai kesilapan jika kek anda bantut seperti posisi loyang kek kurang tepat, suhu oven, cara mengadun, dll. Saya tak dapat pastikan utk kek anda mengapa ia berlaku krn saya tak tahu camna anad buat ya.
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