Bahan-bahan :
250 g mentega
2 cawan gula (I used 340 gm)
4 biji telur ( I used the big ones)
1/2 sudu kecil garam
1 sudu kecil esen vanilla (I used serbuk vaniili)
4 sudu besar susu cair
3 cawan pisang dilecek ( I used abt 650 gm pisang raja)
2 cawan tepung ~ diayak (I used 240 gm)
1 sudu kecil soda penaik (bicarbonate of soda)
1 sudu kecil serbuk penaik (baking powder)
walnut, macadamia nut, pecan (I used walnut, pecan nut & hazelnut)
Cara :
1. Pukul mentega dengan gula hingga kembang.
2. Masukkan telur satu per satu, esen vanila, susu dan garam.
3. Masukkan pisang yang telah dilecek ke dalam adunan.
4. Masukkan tepung dan kaup balikkan sehingga sebati.
5. Bakar di dalam ketuhar yang telah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu pada suhu 180 C/ 350 F selama 1 jam.
Am honoured to see my name appeared on your page. Terima kasih kerana sudi mencuba resipi yang mama promosikan tu ye. Tuan punya resipi tu ialah Kuzi. Terima kasih bagi pihak Kuzi jua...Hope you liked the cake. To me, it's nice and moist.
Oopsss....tak tahu apa yang tersilap tekan, lom habis taip dah terlepas pulak..hehehe...sib baik tak melatah opocot! Wakakaka... Anyway bro, I'm still waiting to see your sentuhan tangan in Swiss Roll making...daku sabar menanti.. chewah...tapi jangan lama sangat ye!
I must say this banana cake recipe is so far, the nicest amongst all the banana cake recipes which I've tried. However mama, I think I'll reduce a little bit of the sugar content (say by 50 gm) the next time i do it. It's a little too sweet fr me. But for the sweet-toothed, the recipe is just alrite. Thanks again mama.
Hi bro rozzan ..
Those banana cake looks great! Will try making those someday!
Just yesterday, Murnie did something using bananas too .. banana muffins to be precise.. hehehe
Btw, anak Kak Rabiah had a chance to try your chiffon cake and he raved about it to his mum .. ;-)
Oh, Masya'allah, I just remembered, you're the Murnie fr ROMM rite? Btw, how's ur sis-in-law? hope she's doing fine. Salam to your abg too -dont know if he still remember me??
Wah, banana muffin....mesti sedap!! Pasti dgn cepat dikerjakan anak2 yer!
Bab kek chiffon tu, selain anak kak Rabiah, ada juga kawan anak saya yg lain bertanya ttg hal tu. Murnie bilang jer dgn kak Rabiah supaya copy my recipe then cubalah!! Kalau dah boleh buat sendiri, pendek kata next time tak beli lagilah kat kedai2 kek biasa tu- ceh dah pandai sombong lak...heheh
yep yep .. dats me .. ;-)
sis in law .. fine i thk. havent met her for quite a while now.
my hubby & mum in law still remember you .. i showed them your blog before .. hehe ..
i think kak bi's oven broke down lah .. still havent got them repaired .. hehe .. she's one of my guinea pigs/commentator .. heheh. i bring to work wat i bake and then listen to wat she has to comment .. ;-)
Salam Bro, ada soalan for this kek..siti nak buat esok..tunggu pisang raja mai dr johor..
1. Nuts nak bakar dulu ke?
2. Susu cair sama dgn fresh milk?
tq for yr time bro n salam.
siti, here's my reply.
1. tak payah bakar dulu kacang tu. cincang2 jer.
2. Susu cair boleh di substitutekan (tukar ganti) dgn susu segar, not much difference. Cuma saya perhatikan, bila saya buat kek2 kecil (cupcakes) dgn menggunakan susu cair, keknya lebih mampat dan gebu manakala bila gunakan susu segar, texture kek lebih ringan dan 'airy'.
Is it possible for U to let me have the recipe in English.
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