I have always been fascinated (if not mesmerised) by the beauty of Layered Cakes whether the normal types or the Sarawakian Layered varieties. I always envy those who really have the time, patience and skills in doing these cakes. However so, to do the Sarawakian Layered Cakes, one really need to be equipped with the right utensils/appliances especially the various sizes of cutters. This will definitely help to churn out nice and beautiful cakes, without any doubt!
I'm for sure, have not reached those standards yet, not even near that...heheh, but I'm always willing to try though. To prove that, I did Kek Lapis Seri Balas yesterday. I came across the recipe from Forum Cari and if I'm not mistaken, the contributor is KakPahSherry at http://wwwkakpahsherry.blogspot.com/search/label/Kek%20Lapis%20Sarawak . Thanks Sis!
I'm for sure, have not reached those standards yet, not even near that...heheh, but I'm always willing to try though. To prove that, I did Kek Lapis Seri Balas yesterday. I came across the recipe from Forum Cari and if I'm not mistaken, the contributor is KakPahSherry at http://wwwkakpahsherry.blogspot.com/search/label/Kek%20Lapis%20Sarawak . Thanks Sis!
Baking this layered cake is very time-consuming, and tedious too without the privilege of having the right and/or required appliances. So, its just like... OK, I'll do it with whatever things I have- ruler, tapes, knifes (flat or serrated), etc, etc. Along the way, I'm also prepared to "abandon ship", just in case, I couldn't "weather the storm". Alas, I managed to bake a cake, decent enough to justify the time and effort I've put in.
I'll post the recipe here and also some pics of my 'hardwork' instead of "artwork", sigh.... I actually did 70% of the original recipe and therefore, the recipe attached has been edited accordingly and in Malay though. I also did not follow the colour rule. I just chose the colours I fancied. Anyway, don't laugh K! We learned from mistakes and... as the saying goes, "practice makes perfect". Hopefully, I can do better next time.
I'll post the recipe here and also some pics of my 'hardwork' instead of "artwork", sigh.... I actually did 70% of the original recipe and therefore, the recipe attached has been edited accordingly and in Malay though. I also did not follow the colour rule. I just chose the colours I fancied. Anyway, don't laugh K! We learned from mistakes and... as the saying goes, "practice makes perfect". Hopefully, I can do better next time.
Bahan A:
7 biji telur (ambil 3 biji putihnya)
120 gm gula kastor (boleh kurangkan kpd 100 gm)
150 gm tepung hong kong
¾ sudu makan ovalet
35 ml air sejuk
Bahan B:
225 gm mentega
3 sudu makan susu pekat manis
160 gm sekaya
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
Jem (sebarang perisa) utk melekatkan kek

7 biji telur (ambil 3 biji putihnya)
120 gm gula kastor (boleh kurangkan kpd 100 gm)
150 gm tepung hong kong
¾ sudu makan ovalet
35 ml air sejuk
Bahan B:
225 gm mentega
3 sudu makan susu pekat manis
160 gm sekaya
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
Jem (sebarang perisa) utk melekatkan kek
Cara Membuat Inti Kek:
Pukul semua Bahan A dengan kelajuan tinggi hingga pekat (kira-kira 6-8 min). Pukul Bahan B hingga putih/kembang. Satukan kedua-dua Bahan A & Bahan B. Gaul hingga rata. Adunan ini cukup utk memberikan anda 8-9 lapisan (dgn 1 lapisan menggunakan 2 senduk besar). Bubuhlah pewarna yg anda sukai.
Dengan menggunakan acuan 8"x8"x2", bakarlah inti kek ini selapis-selapis dgn warna yg anda telah pilih dgn suhu lebih kurang 180 darjah Celsius sehingga selesai semua lapisan tersebut. Kemudian sejukkan dulu sebelum anda memotongnya dalam bentuk segitiga mengikut ketinggian kek tersebut.
Pukul semua Bahan A dengan kelajuan tinggi hingga pekat (kira-kira 6-8 min). Pukul Bahan B hingga putih/kembang. Satukan kedua-dua Bahan A & Bahan B. Gaul hingga rata. Adunan ini cukup utk memberikan anda 8-9 lapisan (dgn 1 lapisan menggunakan 2 senduk besar). Bubuhlah pewarna yg anda sukai.
Dengan menggunakan acuan 8"x8"x2", bakarlah inti kek ini selapis-selapis dgn warna yg anda telah pilih dgn suhu lebih kurang 180 darjah Celsius sehingga selesai semua lapisan tersebut. Kemudian sejukkan dulu sebelum anda memotongnya dalam bentuk segitiga mengikut ketinggian kek tersebut.
Cara Membuat Lapisan Atas & Bawah:
Adun satu lagi Bahan A & B. Kali ini bahagikan kepada 2 bahagian dgn warna asal. Bakar lapisan kek (bahagian bawah) sebanyak 5-6 lapisan (satu lapis abt 2 senduk). Kemudian bubuh Inti Kek yg telah anda potong tiga-segi dan susun tadi di atas lapisan bawah kek dgn menggunakan jem. Seterusnya, bakar lapisan atas kek bermula dari permukaan inti kek tadi, sebanyak 5-6 lapisan lagi. Guna acuan 7½" x 7½" x 3". Kepanasan suhunya juga sama seperti tadi, iaitu 180C.
Adun satu lagi Bahan A & B. Kali ini bahagikan kepada 2 bahagian dgn warna asal. Bakar lapisan kek (bahagian bawah) sebanyak 5-6 lapisan (satu lapis abt 2 senduk). Kemudian bubuh Inti Kek yg telah anda potong tiga-segi dan susun tadi di atas lapisan bawah kek dgn menggunakan jem. Seterusnya, bakar lapisan atas kek bermula dari permukaan inti kek tadi, sebanyak 5-6 lapisan lagi. Guna acuan 7½" x 7½" x 3". Kepanasan suhunya juga sama seperti tadi, iaitu 180C.
Nota Dari Saya:
1) Gunakan jem yg cerah warnanya seperti peach, orange atau apricot. My mistake was, I used raspberry jem yg gelap warnanya (bukan apa- sbb nk clear stock). Tu pasal bila dipotong, kek saya kelihatan comot!!
2) Saiz acuan/loyang membakar Inti Kek mestilah besar sedikit daripada loyang membakar lapisan atas dan bawah kek kerana selepas inti kek siap dibakar; bila sejuk, ianya akan mengecut sedikit dan just nice utk dimuatkan dalam loyang lapisan atas/bawah yg kecil sedikit.
1) Gunakan jem yg cerah warnanya seperti peach, orange atau apricot. My mistake was, I used raspberry jem yg gelap warnanya (bukan apa- sbb nk clear stock). Tu pasal bila dipotong, kek saya kelihatan comot!!
2) Saiz acuan/loyang membakar Inti Kek mestilah besar sedikit daripada loyang membakar lapisan atas dan bawah kek kerana selepas inti kek siap dibakar; bila sejuk, ianya akan mengecut sedikit dan just nice utk dimuatkan dalam loyang lapisan atas/bawah yg kecil sedikit.
Look here
Bro Rozzan
Beautiful Lapis. As a first timer?? making this is very good already. Unlike me don have the guts to try... :(
Irene (fr Sarawak)
cantiklah kek lapis rozzan...layer dia teratur je...akak ada bli buku kek lapis serawak deja moss, ada step by step lagi...tapikan akak tak confidentlah nak wat...mcm susah gitu...rozzan ada tak buku deja moss ni..harga dia murah baru RM8.50... ni pun akak ambil last piecenya.
Hi, nak taulah lapis seri balas ini lembut tak berminyak ke tak pernah makan lapis serawaklah tapi kalau dah cantik gitu sayang nak makan...
Ooopppss sorry arr anonymous. Ter'miss' plak on ur comment. Actually kek ni lembut tak berminyak cuma..to some people it's a little sweet. Kadar gula,susu atau sekaya masih boleh dikurangkan sedikit. Bab jem sebagai agen pelekat inti kek tu pun sebaiknya pilih yg kurang manis atau rendah gula.
salam encik rozzan frust betul lah nk try buat kek2 tu but pakai hong kong flour kat uk ni xda blh tak sub for something else n still taste the same
Hi muzafir
Perhaps u can substitute HK flour with any cake flour. That would suffice and do the job!
hye..im a sarawakian but then i dont know how to make kek lapis. im in new zealand doing my degree. its my first raya away from home. so...i plan nak buat the best raya celebration i could supaye tak rindu rumah sangat. can u help me? all of my friends want to eat kek lapis . kek lapis that looks nice and taste good. :)
thank you,
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