Salam buat semua pengunjung. Lazimnya dalam bulan puasa ni, saya kurang aktiviti memasak. Hidangan berbuka puasa pun selalunya yg ringkas. Alhamdulillah, anak-anak kami pun tak begitu cerewit dalam menikmati hidangan berbuka mahupun bersahur. Kalau waktu sahur tu, boleh dikatakan, kami sekeluraga jenis yg tak pandai (ataupun malas kot!!) makan nasi dan lauk2. Cukup setakat juadah ringan-ringan je. Bila berbuka pun, nasi tak menjadi suatu kemestian. Kalau dah makan mee ke roti ke- dah mencukupi. Kekadang tu, oleh kerana terlalu penat, kami beli jer makanan di luar. Sonang keje!! Haritu, kami berbuka dgn burger Mc Donalds jer heheh... Orait lerr. Masak tetap masak tapi kureng sket laa.
OK, now just to share some of the food pics of our breaking of fast. Biasa2 jer, some repeat 'telecast' sbb anak2 gemar dgn hidangan tu, heheh.

Roti kirai/jala bersama lauk kari daging dan salad. Pencuci mulut-jelly cocktail. Resipi2 mmg dah ada kat blog.

Asam Pedas ikan pari, sayur kacang buncis goreng, dhal masak lemak dan kacang/ikan bilis goreng kicap(ni feveret anak2).

Mee Kurnia ni mmg enak. Simple & filling.
Bro Rozzan,
I would like to request the recipe for Kacang/Ikan bilis goreng kicap..hehehe... seems simple but I have no idea about it..This is my favourite too. Maybe you can send the recipe to my email add:
Thank you very much.
Jom makan nasi kandar..hehe
Hi Irene,
Actually I dont have the exact measurement. The recipe is 'campak-campak jer!
fried ikan bilis
fried groundnuts
big onions (sliced)
red & green chillies (sliced)
a little oil for frying (abt 1 tbsp)
sweet soy sauce
sweet sauce (caramel-optional)
a little lime juice (optional)
*fry the onions & chillied till abt 1/2 cooked, add in the sauces, stir. Let the ingredients cool. Then add in the fried ikan bilis and groundnuts. Stir till all ingredients are well mixed.
Note: As this mixture will be a little 'watery' becoz of the sauces, it is best consumed immediately and not to be kept.
Alternatively, you may add in the fried ikan bilis/groundnuts to the onion/chilli mixture only whne you want to consume them. If not the ikan bilis and nuts will "lau hong".
Looking at ur dhal lemak reminds me of my late grandma's dish. Boleh share the recipe?
W'Salam Zarina,
Insya'allah I'll update it later when time permits ya!
W'Salam Zarina,
Insya'allah I'll update it later when time permits ya!
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