
Saturday, November 03, 2007


Pheww.... finally, ada masa terluang utk berkongsi resipi sekali lagi. Bagi mereka yg telah request utk mendapatkan beberapa resipi biskut tertentu drpd saya, inilah salah satu drpdnya yaa. Maaf kalau agak terlambat tp bak pepatah Inggeris berkata, "it's better late than never" heheh.. (alasan jer....) . Maybe boleh rancang buat utk Raya Haji nanti kot!


225 gm corn flakes (atau almond flakes)
180 gm choc renchoco/choc chips
175 gm gula halus
3 biji putih telur (saiz yg besar)
1-2 sudu the esen vanilla

Pukul putih telur dgn esen vanilla dan masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit. Pukul lagi hingga betul-betul pekat (stiff). Setelah itu, masukkan cornflakes dan renchoco/choc chips dan gaul rata-rata. Anda boleh juga masukkan kira-kira 50 gm kacang( srpti badam, walnut, hazelnut, etc). Setelah itu masukkan ke dalam acuan cupcakes yg kecil dan bakar hingga masak dan rangup dgn suhu ketuhar sekitar 140 darjah Celsius selama kira-kira 20-30 minit (tergantung kpd ketuhar anda).

My wife omitted the choc chips. She just grated some chocolate over the mixture. Also since our children like it plain, we didn't put any nuts. It's worth trying. Tasted alittle bit like Kellogs cornflakes frosties. (cornflakes bersalut gula)


Anonymous said...

got this one tried.. i wonder eh asal mine nye cornflakes ni not as white as in the picture?? hehe.. tell me..thank you!

BR said...

It should be white or perhaps a little brownish if you overbake laa.. But the taste is there.

Anonymous said...

i also tried this. tapi cornflakes jadi lemau after baking & cooling. Dan warna pun a little brown, not white. What i learnt: One would need a VERY good oven to try this.

BR said...

Maybe your egg whites are not beaten stiff to a peak.If it is, then there's no reason why your macaroons are not crunchy but soft.

Anonymous said...

Salam. I'm wondering why my cereal became so lemau when actually before mixing it with the egg white mixture it was really crispy. Help