Kuih Keladi/Yam Cake
* 600g Yam/Keladi
* 340g Rice flour
* 50g Tapioca flour
* 1.2 litres water (divided into 2 portions)
* 4 dried mushrooms, soaked and minced
* 5 tbsp dried shrimps, soaked and minced
* 150 gm chicken fillet (diced)
* 6 cloves of garlic, chopped
* salt, pepper and pinch of sugar
* a little chicken stock powder (I used chicken cube)
* 6 tbsps cooking oil
For garnish
* deep fried shallots
* sliced spring onions
* sliced red chillis
1) Mix rice flour and tapioca flour with 1 portion of water. Leave aside.
2) Stir fry garlic and dried shrimps till fragrant. Add chicken fillet. Then add mushrooms. Put aside.
3) Skin yam, cubed. Then put yam, the remaining portion of water, chicken stock powder, pepper, salt, sugar, in a pot. Simmer till it boils. Reduce the heat.
4) Add in the flour solution from step (1). Keep on stirring till mixture thickens a little and add in ingredients (B). Stir again and then remove from heat.
5) Grease a tray, pour yam mixture and steam over high heat for 45 min or till cooked
6) Garnish with spring onions, red chillis and shallots before serving.
hmm..guna lah b.melayu..tak sume org fhm..bahan2 nyer klu guna b.i nie..,nak komen sikit lah nie..jgn marah yer..
"klu buka blog guna bhs melyu terus la semua pun tulis b.m tak payahlah ada campur b.i nie,susah! dan bosan! la klu tak faham dan tak dpt wat resipi nyer..biasalah sy nie tak habis sikolah nyer...em :(
dan rozzan pun tercengang-cengang sendirian memikirkan mengapa beliau diserang secara bertulis.
"patutkah aku mengambil bahasa malaysia kertas tampal julai ini ?"
"patutkah aku menulis resipi dalam bahasa cina, tamil, tagalog, sepanyol pula selepas ini?"
itulah antara persoalan yang bermain-main silih berganti di dalam fikirannya yang sedia maklum sudah sempit dengan pelbagai resepi selama ini.
maaf saudara, saya bukan nak mengancum. tapi, kelakar lah.
kalau saya, saya cakap, "piiii rah mabuk."
seriously, (eh bolehke tulis campur2 melayu ngn inggeris ni. nanti kena marah ahaaha) imho awak sgt humble in your food journey. amongst others, awak ,the one.
in fact, tak nmpk riak langsung. just plain keen in your hobby.
so, dont stop.(nyanyi) i luv u just the way u r. buang luv ganti respect.
so goes to ur wife and kids.
Hi & thank you tiffnotso for your encouranging words. Its very difficult to satisfy each and everyone of my visitors. While I do understand that visitors to my blog come from various different countries and backgrounds, incl. their languages, I suppose English and Malay are the 2 commonest language understood in this part of the region. Once in a while I do receive request for a translation of a certain recipe which I will oblige once when time permits. They can just req to me. It's as simple as that right? ..Phew....finally, I have written in full English language!
hehehe..lawak tul baca. anyway, all d bes for bro
I do appreciate when it is written in English ....for those who could'nt comprehend do make some effort and open the dictionary. At least this blogger is doing a good deed by contributing this recipe. Thanks dude.
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