Sunday, January 13, 2008


Started the day today very early.. By 8am was already at my sis' place. Actually just to accomodate her req to teach her a simple Bryani dish. That day we went to Mustafa Centre and bought some ready-made Briani mixture off the shelves. So, being the usual chatty me, I had promoted to her on the simpleness to cook this Bryani. Hence she bought on condition I do a demo at her place!

Not only that, I ended up whippping Ayam Masak Merah, Dalca, acar & pacri for her. Not that I mind, though. Since I enjoy cooking and I could afford the time- your wish is my command. Tapi takde resipi ya, just the pics. Its a case of campak2 jer. Kalau nak, perhaps boleh refer to my earlier postings on the same dish.


  1. kalau anak u kawin kelak..boleh lah u masakkan nasi beryani..bila syazwani cantik jelita tu nak kawin rozzan??

  2. Heheh.... mana sempat nak masak sis ooiii! Dah kita pakai baju kurung dgn kocek besor2 tu...and sibuk layan tamu! Anyway, blom lagi arr, lama lagi, skolah pun blum abis..

  3. Bila bro sebut Shan ni, teringat kita masa masak briyani ni masa kat Malawi dulu. Nowadays, nak masak apa-apa pun semangat ada koreng sket... dahnya, siang hari kalau masak pun, kita makan sorang. Malam je baru makan berdua, itupun kalau dia nak makan. Ended up, lunch selalu roti aja... malas punya pasal!

  4. Oh iyer ke Mama? Angin kat Msia agaknya tak sama dgn Malawi. Btw, makan roti pun bagus gak -pemakanan sihat. Tapi jgn sampai tak de projek msk langsung! Tak dpt nak cilok resipi cari blog mama nnti!!!

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