Monday, February 26, 2007


Masya'allah.. Baru nak pick up segala stamina yg ada, nak mula blogging semula. Dah kena tagged (amende tu??). Rinnchan, next time bila part yg camnie, bilis K! Anyway, I guess I have to share with evereyone the 6 weird things abt me (ada ker???)

1) I still sleep with bantal yg berisikan kabu-kabu (bkn aper, kepala dah banyak batu- so kalau bantal tu lembik yg mcm sponge tu, pendekata 3-4 bantal jadikan satu pun tak selesa..heheh)

2) I cannot do business, sbb perasaan tak sampai hati tu selalu ada kat dlm diri. (Bila dah tetapkan harga sesuatu juadah yg ditempah - bila part diaorg nak bayar, kekadang tu kasi discount lagi!!- camni bisniz bleh lingkup, ada kedai pun tutup..)

3) I can finish up my meals, be it lunch, dinner, etc and totally forget to take a drink. ( I guess I've got lots of liquid in my body)

4) I prefer to give recipes and teach someone whenever he/she requests to place an order with me..( Now, is it weird??, hah, which is why I cannot do bisniz )

5) I cannot watch movies in cinemas (bukan kerana bayaran tiket yg semakin naik harganya, tapi ......heheh... once dah masuk dlm panggung tu..bila lampu sumer ditutup, mulalah mata saya menjadi kuyu dan langsung tertidur!!)

6) When I was young, in pri school, I used to throw my siblings things down the rubbish chute whenver I got into an arguement. ( Bkn aper, kalau nak bergasak tentu kalah sbb kita yg kecik so amik jer apa2 barang diaorg, lontarkan dlm tong sampah- mesti argument tu stop...Tapi tu citer dulu2, skarang dah tobat nasuha.)

Nah sekarang nie tiba masanya saya nak mengtag korang pulak yerr!!.

saper ehhh........

1) mamadewi
2) apid
3) ariannur
4) eliana
5) cik bawang
6) mummy jam

Rules: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.


  1. makan tak minom? tak tecekik ke bro?heheh..neways, i'm done wif the tag :)

  2. ya Rozzan..dalam satu hari manusia kene minum 6-8 glasses of plain water tau..demi menjaga kesihatan badan..!

  3. Oh no! not another tag....dah kena 4 kali with the same questions...macam ni boleh main copy and paste aje lah...kekekeke

  4. mamadewi> tu laa..tapi so far tak pernah camtu lak. But now I always make it a point to drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.

    sofea > I totally agree with you without doubts. byw sofea, why nowadays I can't leave any msg in ur blog using my current ID eh?

    mummy jam > alamak mummy sorri eh! Ni kes emergency gak. Ingat mummy lom kena tembak!!!

  5. Rozzan...I'II try fixing the try again if u don't mind..thanx!

  6. Same lah bro..I also cannot do business..tak reti nak letak harga, tak reti nak mintak hutang, tak sampai hati nak suruh org bayar, tak pandai marketing etc yang involved duit2 org niaga nie..perabih duit gheti leerrrr...p/s saya main tag aje mana yg terlintas nama di least you`ve done ur part..thnx for continuing to tag..

  7. sofea > Thank You.

    rinnchan > Betul tu rinnchan. That's why sometimes when someone req me to bake or cook something, I'm stressed out. Bkn apa, I don't want to under-charged or over-charged bcoz dua2 situation pun put me in a bad spot! Makanya saya selalu galakkan diaorng buat sendiri if they can..
