Monday, September 11, 2006

Egg Tart

Monday blues....... memang malas nak pi kerja kalau hari Isnin! Tapi nasib baik harini saya cuti.. hoorey... another day off!! Tapi kalau duduk diam jer mesti lagi malas dan jawabnya tidur ... just like Sunday morning when I continued sleeping after my morning prayers till mid-day (after watching EPL soccer the night before till around 2 am......... sigh.... So I thought why not I try En.Bahtiar's Egg Tart? So I pick myself up and start moving hesitatingly...... to my kitchen. And I'm sure Im not dissapointed with the results. This is what I had obtained in lieu of .....sleeping! (-Thanks En.Bahtiar, for your recipe)

500g Tepung gandum
125g Gula icing
250g Butter (tips: butter sejuk dari petisejuk)
2 biji telur gred B
1 tsp esen vanila

Ayak tepung, campurkan gula icing. Masukkan butter dan gaul hingga jadi crumbs. Masukkan telur dan esen vanila dan gaulkan hingga rata. Bentukkan jadi sebiji bola. Sejukkan dalam peti sejuk sebelum digunakan.

250g Air
125g Gula
5 biji Telur gred B
100g Susu cair (Evaporated milk)

Larutkan gula kedalam air. (buat air gula) Kalau guna air suam, biarkan sejuk dulu sebelum masukkan telur dan susu cair. Pukul semua 4 bahan hingga sebati kemudian tapiskan dan sedia untuk digunakan.cara: Isikan atau bentukkan pastry kedalam acuan. Bakar pada suhu 160 ke 180 C selama 15 minit atau sehingga kelihatan kering atau sedikit kekuningan. Keluarkan dari oven. Tuangkan filling tadi kemudian masukkan semula ke dalam oven. Bakar lagi pada suhu 180 C selama 15 minit atau sehingga telurnya masak. (tak cair)


  1. looks good ler tuan... will definitely gif this one a try...

  2. Rossya, just call me Rozzan,that's more comfortable. Yup,its nice cuma kalau nak lebih lemak, I think Im gonna do again with a little more evap milk and less water but the total liquid amt remains the same.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. wow! look nice. I shld try to make it one day

  5. I read somewhere that after putting the pastry in the tart mould we need to poke the pastry with fork to rid of access air. Is this necessary? Thnks, and btw your site is simply marvelous. Allah has blessed you with great cooking talent!

  6. Hi anonymous. It's simple to do, go ahead try it.

  7. Hi anonymous. Sorry fr my late reply. Yes, I normally poke the pastry at the base so that during the baking process, the hot air will be able to escape without pushing the base of the pastry upwards and hence the base remains flat. Btw, thanks fr ur kind words but really, praise be to God Almighty, for all this couldn't be happening without His help yaa.

  8. hi Bro.acuan tu xyah gris dgn butter ke?Baru nak belajar....

  9. Hi,
    kalau tak griskan pun ok. Kuis jer dgn hujung pisau utk meneluarkannya. Tp kalau anda nk griskan sket pun orait gak!

  10. saya baru jumpa egg tart, lama dah cari anak suruh buat. intinya memang tak perlu di masak dulu ke.

  11. Hi salmanja
    Mengikut resipinya yg berasal dari Che Bahtiar, mmg intinya tak perlu dimasak dulu ya.

  12. wat is the best brand of the butter to be used?

  13. hi rozzan, semua kueh2 awak mmg sedap...i dah pun cuba egg tart nie..sedappp dan cantek

  14. Hi Rozzan,kalau bakar pastry n masa masukkan filling tart ,gune api atas bawah ke?tolong guide saya....:)

  15. Salam Bro Rozzan,

    the adunan nk sejukkn brape lame?
