Monday, July 08, 2013


Buat semua pengunjung (ada lagi kot...?), saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa, semoga amal dan ibadah kita diterimaNYA Insya'allah.


  1. salam
    salam ramadha dan selamat berpuasa buat bro sekeluarga

  2. Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak juga buat Bro Rozzan dan keluarga.Semoga ibadat puasa dan amalan kita yang baik diterima oleh Allah swt Aamiin, yang terakhir jangan lupa post resepi2 ya.:)

  3. Assalamualaikum...Salam Ramadhan buat Saudara Rozzan sekeluarga..Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa dan mendirikan solat Tarawih pada malam harinya...InsyaAllah..Semoga kita semua mendapat keberkatan dariNya...

  4. Salam Ramadhan dari blog http://cik-puan-emy.blogspot

  5. BR > Ady, Leah, Sue, Our Story

    Maaf terlepas pandang. Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa. Semoga kita semua mendapat pahala dan ganjaran dari Allah SWT dan terus tabah menempuhi segala dugaan dari NYA, Insyaallah.

  6. Salam Ramadhan to u and family. I jist cane across ur blog whilst searching for recipe of cakes withoit using ovalett.. Im afraid almost all need ovalett to stabilise them..

    Will visit ur blog again from time to time.

  7. Hi BR,

    We tried to look for your email contact but it does not seem to be available on your blog. So we are contacting you via a comment.

    On behalf of the National Library Board (NLB), we would like to invite you to pledge your blog to the Singapore Memory Project (SMP).

    We find that your entries about your culinary adventures would be a great addition to the Singapore Memory Project.

    We think your blog would offer a different perspective. Whether your posts are an account of your daily life or an expression of your thoughts, our project hopes to find a home for these memories so that it can help build a ground-up understanding of Singapore.

    If you believe memories are worth preserving, simply pledge your blog here:

    The SMP is a national initiative started in 2011 to collect, preserve and provide access to stories, moments and memories related to Singapore. For more information about this initiative, you may wish to contact Mr Patrick Cher at or read the FAQ.

    Yours sincerely,

    [Simulation Software & Technologies (S2T) Pte Ltd. is the officially appointed vendor for SMP for the period Nov 2012 to Dec 2013.]


  8. شركة روضة المملكة لخدمات التنظيف بابها وخميس مشيط 0551592079 وتشمل تنظيف للمنازل والمجالس
    والكنب وكذلك تنظيف السجاد والموكيت باحترافية عالية .

    شركة تنظيف سجاد وموكيت بابها
    شركة تنظيف منازل بخميس مشيط
    شركة تنظيف مجالس وكنب بابها وخميس مشيط
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بخميس مشيط
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بابها
