Sunday, February 25, 2007


Negeri Sarawak di Malaysia memang terkenal dgn pelbagai jenis kek-kek lapis- baik dgn kaedah mengukus mahupun membakar. Corak-corak dan warnanya yg berwarna warni sangat menarik perhatian ramai termasuk saya. Bagi mereka yg berminat mendalami cara-cara pembikinan kek lapis, especially Kek Lapis Sarawak ini, terdapat banyak buku-buku yg boleh anda buat rujukan. Saya ada meminjam sebuah buku dari perpustakaan dan membeli sebuah lagi mengenai Kek Lapis Sarawak ini. So, apa lagi yg ditunggu, perhaps you may get one. Tak buat pun, sekadar menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan mencuci mata, OK gaklah tu.....


  1. I have buku dari Rabiah Amit ni.. member sedekah... tapi sampai skrg blom cuba lagik... blom ada kesempatan... insyallah kalo ada masa nak cuba gak then bleh feedback kat sini... bleh gitu?? hehehe

  2. mamimontel, I've browsed thru the book. It has got some interesting and colorful designs on the cakes. I may want to try some of those recipes when time permits.

    Btw, why not. Anyone who has anything or any recipes to share (and also the pics) are most welcome to send it to my email. We can share them with one and all yaa...

  3. Hello, I would like to make the kek lapis, but cannot find a recipe book. Do you know of one that is in English version? Do you know where I can purchase it?


  4. Hi anonymous,

    If you're in Spore or M'sia, you can find such books in English at Popular Bookstores.

  5. Hello.....bole tau dekat mana bole saya carik buku kek lapis sarawak written by jamie jong and wong kee sum? The 1st picture on your website? Been looking everywhere but can't find it. Thank you for your help and hope to hear from you soon.
