Friday, October 25, 2013
Baked this Chocolate Indulgence Cake for the 2nd time this year, This
time its for my ex- sec school classmate birthday. As if the
chocolate-filled mousse in between the layers are not enough, I had
placed some Belgium praline chocolate on top of the cake. And that is
why I called Sinful! If you ever bake this cake, you may have noticed
some flaws LOL! Never mind, there's always a third attempt. Didnt manage
to get much of the dissected cake piece though.
Monday, July 08, 2013
Buat semua pengunjung (ada lagi kot...?), saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa, semoga amal dan ibadah kita diterimaNYA Insya'allah.
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Dah lama tk buat kek lapis. Kebetulan ada majlis kecil di rumah abg, so ku kuatkn semangat dan rajinkan tangan utk melapis setelah sekian lama menyepi dari baking... Ini adalah resipi yg terdahulu yg diubah-suai dn menambahkan buah prune jer. Kaedah membuat lepis sutera ini yg paling senang sekali - tk byk songeh... Apapun warnanya termerah sgtlah MakNgah ooii...
Dan ini adalah di antara juadah yg ada..
Dan ini adalah di antara juadah yg ada..